2019 August Quads

The Discovery Center

The third Chess on the Square - Rapid chess tournament, in conjunction with the First Friday ArtWalk, featured 16 players and 7 supporters. The first quad was USCF-rated Quick, with Brayden Miao going 3-0. Quad #2 was won by Ben Bulger who went undefeated. The third quad saw Kenneth Cloward take honors with a perfect 3.0 score. And the final quad was won by Quinton Cunningham who also went undefeated. A big congratulations to all four undefeated winners and thank you to all the players and supporters.

A special thank you to the Discovery Center and the players / supporters who chipped in to help setup beforehand and breakdown afterward. Extra thanks to Robert Olson who stayed late to make it all possible. Without your help, the tournament would not have been possible.